If I had found a route to success I probably would have a better description of the frustration at the enormous amount of time wasted in attempting to modernize (efficient and reliable) the collection of and accuracy of data defining an as-built construction. I attempted to dumb down the data with an external format convertor and within VWs tool set but the tools and engine is not there in VWs to manipulate and transform such large quantities of data into something the application is suited for. The rendering of the view would take 90-120 seconds every time a slight change was need to get the view from one place, angle or magnification to another. With over 10GB of points on a single layer attempting to align to any particular mass of points representing a wall, riser, tread, ceiling in order either create a flat plane or surface to which one could measure from or to was near impossible. The point data needed to be reconfigured into surfaces with edges.

What we needed out of the data was dimensional data primarily in an orthogonal format to produce a railing system that avoided juts, projections, shifts and voids in the as-built space. I could see where there was misalignment from overlapping data scans as the surveyor mapped out the levels of the interior of the space.

In the data set that was collected there was a density of points (which I don't have access to anymore) that when looking at them in Vw's 3d drawing space we as humans could visualize the irregularities and similarities of the data representing a stairwell formed from concrete.